

SSEF participates in UN Civil Society Conference in Kenya

May 13, 2024 / 9:49 PM
Sharjah24: In support of the Future Summit, which had the theme "Shaping the Future of Global Progress and Sustainability" and sought to offer a global perspective on particular issues, the Sharjah Social Empowerment Foundation (SSEF) attended the 2024 United Nations Civil Society Conference, held at the United Nations Office in Nairobi, Kenya.
The United Nations Department of Global Communications (DGC) organised the conference in collaboration with civil society organisations, such as non-governmental organisations, academia, think tanks, member states, media, private sector entities, change-makers, and leaders from various groups, to discuss global issues of interest.

The conference's value rests in raising awareness, ambition, and accountability for the Future Summit, forming multi-stakeholder alliances to support suggested substantial reforms in the agreed-upon Charter wording, and working to advance them. It also seeks to transform the way civil society and other stakeholders interact with international governmental processes.

According to Mona bin Hadda Al Suwaidi, director-general of the Sharjah Social Empowerment Foundation, the foundation's participation in the United Nations Civil Society Conference provides an ideal platform for exchanging ideas and viewpoints in discussion sessions. "We brought together ideas and learning opportunities from participants' experiences in work planning approaches and policy proposals, which will flow into specific projects and activities pertinent to the Future Summit."

She went on to say, "One of the foundation's key focuses through its participation is to enhance youth's role and highlight their contribution to supporting sustainable development goals by shedding light on several creative youth initiatives and projects organised by the foundation and their positive impacts on youth, their families, and communities." The foundation also intends to examine crucial issues and challenges that require resolution, along with the involvement of civil society organisations in these matters.

The foundation hopes to empower orphans in different parts of life by implementing modern methods. It has made various proposals, highlighting the need for information exchange and workshops, whether physical or virtual.

The Future Summit Conference is a unique opportunity once in a generation to strengthen cooperation on key challenges and fill gaps in global governance, reaffirm existing commitments, including towards sustainable development goals and global objectives, and move towards a revitalised multi-stakeholder system better positioned to positively impact people's lives and lay the foundations for more effective global cooperation to address today's challenges and emerging threats.
May 13, 2024 / 9:49 PM

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