

SCC approves the draft law on leasing real estate in Sharjah

March 17, 2024 / 2:19 PM
Image for the title: SCC approves the draft law on leasing real estate in Sharjah
Sharjah 24: Sharjah Consultative Council (SCC) approved a draft law for the year 2024 regarding real estate leasing in the Emirate of Sharjah, after introducing a number of amendments on the draft law in the sixth meeting of the first regular session of the eleventh legislative term.
The meeting was chaired by His Excellency Dr. Abdullah Belhaif Al Nuaimi, Chairman of SCC.
The Council discussed the draft law on leasing real estate and reviewed the report received by the Council’s Legislative and Legal Affairs, Appeals, Suggestions and Complaints Committee, in the presence of Counselor Dr. Mansour Mohammed bin Nassar, Head of the Legal Department of the Government of Sharjah; His Excellency Issa bin Hanzal, Director of the Legal Department of the Government of Sharjah; and from Sharjah Municipality, Khalid Falah Al Suwaidi, Director of Customer Service; Abdullah Ibrahim Shuhail, Director of the Rental Regulation Department; and Muhammad Ali Al Ridwan, Head of the Judgments Implementation Department.

His Excellency Ahmed Saeed Al Jarwan, Secretary General of SCC, indicated that SCC receives a letter, on the thirteenth of February, from the General Secretariat of Sharjah Executive Council (SEC) referring a draft law for the year 2024 regarding leasing real estate in the Emirate of Sharjah, in accordance with the provisions of Article (71) of the internal regulations,. The Council referred the above-mentioned draft law in its fifth meeting held on Thursday, February 29, 2024 to the Council’s Legislative and Legal Affairs, Appeals, Suggestions and Complaints Committee for study.

Al Jarwan continued by saying that based on the procedures followed in discussing draft laws, the Council will discuss the draft law article by article.

Counselor Dr. Mansour Mohammed bin Nassar, Head of the Legal Department of the Government of Sharjah, gave a speech in which he praised the role of SCC in completing the legislative cycle of draft laws. He stressed the importance of the current draft law as it represents a work system that adds to the gains of the Emirate of Sharjah and its keenness to regulate the relationship between landlord and tenant, in accordance with the laws in force in the city of Sharjah. He pointed out that the Emirate of Sharjah constitutes an attractive environment for investors and families, so a strong law and legislation were created to regulate the trading of real estate, including buying and selling, and other real rights, all of which will be regulated by the draft law, especially since The previous law was issued in 2007, meaning it has been approximately 17 years old, and there is a need to amend it to keep pace with developments and meet the needs of the parties.
Counselor Dr. Mansour Mohammed bin Nassar expressed his welcome to respond to all questions and interventions of Council members regarding the draft law.

Khaled Falah Al Suwaidi, Director of Customer Service at Sharjah Municipality, stressed the importance of the draft law on real estate leasing, pointing out that the draft law contains regulating articles that embody the vision towards enhancing tourist, investment and residential attraction in the Emirate of Sharjah. 

Khaled Falah Al Suwaidi pointed out that the current wording of the draft law touches on the living situation of society and brings together all relevant parties in an organised law that keeps pace with developments and demand for the real estate sector in the Emirate of Sharjah.

His Excellency Hamad Abdel Wahab Al Qawadi, Rapporteur of the Council’s Legislative and Legal Affairs, Suggestions, Appeals and Complaints Committee, read out a draft law for the year 2024 regarding real estate leasing in the Emirate of Sharjah, reviewing the definitions, objectives, competencies and other legal articles mentioned in the draft law.

Members discussed all the provisions and objectives of the law, which are aimed at regulating the relationship between the landlord and the tenant. 

In their interventions, the members presented a number of opinions on the articles of the draft law, and the government representatives responded to the inquiries by explaining aspects of the legal interpretation of the articles of the draft law, as well as aspects of work in implementing the law.

The Council approved a draft law for the year 2024 regarding real estate leasing in the Emirate of Sharjah at its fifth plenary session, making the draft law the second that the Council will discuss at the beginning of its work for the eleventh legislative term.
At the end of the session, the Secretary-General of the Council, Ahmed Saeed Al-Jarwan, announced that the next meeting will discuss the Council’s recommendations regarding the policy of Sharjah Tourism and Commerce Development Authority.
March 17, 2024 / 2:19 PM

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