

Fujairah CP, Sultan AlNeyadi take part in ‘A Call from Space’

July 25, 2023 / 8:18 PM
Sharjah24 - WAM: Sheikh Mohammed bin Hamad bin Mohammed Al Sharqi, Crown Prince of Fujairah, attended the interactive event, titled, “A Call from Space", organised by the Mohammed bin Rashid Space Centre and the Fujairah Crown Prince’s Office.
The event also featured Emirati astronaut Sultan AlNeyadi via a live video link and was attended by Sheikh Dr. Rashid bin Hamad Al Sharqi, Chairman of Fujairah Culture and Media Authority, and Sheikh Abdullah bin Hamad bin Saif Al Sharqi, along with Sheikh Ahmed bin Hamad bin Saif Al Sharqi.

During the event, Sheikh Mohammed bin Hamad welcomed AlNeyadi, who is conducting the longest Arab space mission at the International Space Station (ISS).

He also passed on the warm regards and congratulations of H.H. Sheikh Hamad bin Mohammed Al Sharqi, Supreme Council Member and Ruler of Fujairah, to AlNeyadi, noting that Sheikh Hamad is following his journey with interest, and lauding his important global journey that will enhance the UAE’s international reputation.

Sheikh Mohammed bin Hamad then pointed out that this achievement and the distinguished Emirati citizens who accomplished the ambitions of their ancestors and the vision of the UAE’s leadership in the space sector are a source of pride for the country.

In a conversation with AlNeyadi, Sheikh Mohammed bin Hamad expressed his admiration for the astronaut’s influence on children and teens fascinated by space.

In turn, AlNeyadi expressed his gratitude to Sheikh Mohammed bin Hamad for gracing the event with his presence and his happiness to take part in the meeting, adding he was eager to interact with the audience and respond to their questions.

For his part, Hamad Obaid Al Mansoori, Chairman, MBRSC, said, “We extend our heartfelt gratitude to Sheikh Mohammed bin Hamad bin Mohammed Al Sharqi for his gracious presence at today’s event. As Sultan AlNeyadi's groundbreaking mission draws to its completion, we reflect on the significant strides made by the UAE and the Arab world in the field of space exploration. AlNeyadi's milestones for the longest Arab space mission are testament to his commitment and our nation's progressive vision. We proudly look ahead to an exciting future of further achievements in the realm of space science, as we continue our journey in enhancing the UAE's position on the global space exploration map."

Furthermore, Salem Humaid AlMarri, Director-General, MBRSC, added, “We express our deepest appreciation to Sheikh Mohammed bin Hamad bin Mohammed Al Sharqi, whose esteemed presence enriched the 'A Call from Space' event. This series has transcended the conventional boundaries of interaction and evolved into an enlightening educational journey. Through this initiative, thousands have had the extraordinary opportunity to engage directly with Sultan AlNeyadi and understand the nuances of this historic mission. We have witnessed a remarkable increase in the interest of space science among the attendees, validating the series' role as a powerful tool in fostering a culture of knowledge and inquiry, particularly in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics."

More than 1,300 people from various backgrounds attended the event and watched various shows about space. Al Neyadi also interacted with the audience and explained his scientific experiments and daily activities on the ISS.

The live event was also attended by Dr. Ahmed Hamdan Al Zeyoudi, Director of the Office of the Crown Prince of Fujairah, Salem Al Zahmi, Advisor to the Office of the Crown Prince of Fujairah, Adnan Al Rayes, Assistant Director-General for Space Operations and Exploration, and several directors and officials from the Fujairah Government.
July 25, 2023 / 8:18 PM

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