

MoHRE announces new classification for companies starting June

May 24, 2022 / 9:58 PM
Sharjah 24 – WAM: Dr. Abdulrahman Al Awar, Minister of Human Resources and Emiratisation, has emphasised that his ministry will continue to support the country’s efforts in achieving global leadership in business and key national objectives, with a primary focus on promoting Emiratisation programmes and empowering national talent.
The Minister highlighted that the new classification of companies, which will come into effect on 1st June, 2022, and its relevant resolutions meet business owners' demands and protect workers' rights while encouraging innovation and promoting the SME sector. In addition, the classification offers rewarding incentives to companies that commit to the prescribed laws and policies on promoting cultural and demographic diversity, in line with society’s values, based on tolerance and equal opportunities for all.

Dr. Al Awar provided details about the new classification system, which falls under Cabinet Resolution No. 18 of 2022, and relevant ministerial resolutions at a media briefing Tuesday at the MoHRE headquarters in Dubai.

He explained that the general policy for developing the labour market is inspired by the 'Principles of the 50', which targets "building the world's best and most dynamic economy".

May 24, 2022 / 9:58 PM

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