

Duchess of Cambridge introduces community carol service

December 23, 2021 / 12:04 PM
Sharjah24 – Reuters: Britain's Duchess of Cambridge, Catherine thanked those "amazing people" who have supported their local communities during recent challenging times in special video message to introduce to her community carol service broadcast.
Speaking from London's Westminster Abbey, a day before "Royal Carols: Together At Christmas" was pre-recorded on December 8, the Duchess also recognised "those whose struggles perhaps have been less visible".

"We have been through such a bleak time. We have seen so many challenges. We have lost our loved ones. We have seen our frontline workers under immense pressure, and also we have been more emotionally and socially distanced and isolated from each other," she said.

"But I suppose through that separation, we have also realised how much we need each other and how acts of kindness and love can really bring us comfort and relief in times of distress," she added.

The message was recorded during a visit by the Duchess to the Abbey to help with preparations, including decorating Christmas trees donated by Britain's Queen Elizabeth from Windsor Great Park and arranging wreaths that were donated by the Royal Horticultural Society.

Led by the Duchess and supported by the Royal Foundation, the "Together At Christmas" carol service was attended by unsung heroes from across the UK in recognition of their inspirational efforts to protect and care for those around them, according to Kensington Palace.

Nominations were drawn from local lieutenancies, community networks, charitable organisations and patronages of the Queen, the Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall, and the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge.

Individuals who the Duke and Duchess met and spent time with during their recent engagements and project work were also present, alongside armed forces personnel who were involved in Operation Pitting, young carers, faith leaders, and guests who may be more vulnerable or isolated within our society, the Palace said.
December 23, 2021 / 12:04 PM

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