

Martyrs' good deeds will remain as long as there is life: MBR

November 29, 2021 / 9:43 AM
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Sharjah24 – WAM: The good deeds and sacrifices of our martyrs will remain as long as there is life, and their blood is manifested in our identity, reinforcing our glory, said His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President, Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai.
In a statement given to 'Nation Shield,' the UAE Armed Forces' magazine, His Highness Sheikh Mohammed made these remarks in observance of UAE Commemoration Day, marked on November 30th every year.

Following is the full text of his statement on the occasion: "By the name of Allah Almighty the merciful.

Sons and daughters of the UAE, Peace be upon you.

I salute you all as we gather today to celebrate our glorious martyrs, and we stress their eternal presence with us, in our minds and souls.

"On this day every year, the wisdom of my brother, President His Highness Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan, is manifested by the adoption of 30th November as a day to commemorate our martyrs. On this day 50 years ago, Salem Khamis Suhail passed away while defending the country.

The adoption of 30th November as Commemoration Day has important significance, as it highlights the unity of the Emirati people, the ancestors and the youth, and underscores the Emirati people’s patriotism, while reviving the national memory about the story of our ancestors.

The martyrs, who are our sons, brothers and ancestors, tell the history of our country with medals of honour, and their blood tells the story of a glory and pride.

The good deeds and sacrifices of our martyrs will remain as long as there is life, and their blood is manifested in our identity, reinforcing our glory.

Sons and daughters of the UAE, I call upon you all, most notably our youth, to contemplate these blessed days and the sacrifices of our martyrs while they performed our duties, as well as our history, full of lessons and glories.

I also call upon mothers and fathers to tell their sons and daughters the meaning of Commemoration Day, and about the men who sacrificed themselves to protect the country and its people, and about the patience of their families and their giving, loyalty and patriotism.

I call upon mothers and fathers to tell their children about the honour of serving in the army, and about Armed Forces men and women who are working hard to protect the security and stability of the nation, as well as to defend its stability, sovereignty and achievements. I call on them to tell their children about the National Reserve programme and its role in strengthening our self-power and sharpening the personalities of our youth.

I call upon all citizens who know a martyr’s family to visit them and support them on this day, for it is a sorrowful day for them, as their feelings of loss are remembered.

The families of martyrs have shown great courage, patience and awareness, underscoring their faith, and they have become a source of inspiration to everyone, to be dedicated in serving their country.

If words are not enough, actions have constantly fulfilled this duty, most notably the establishment of Wahat Al Karama, the Martyr’s Memorial, and the initiatives of Their Highnesses Supreme Council Members and Rulers of the Emirate’s, including the naming of streets, squares and schools after martyrs, in addition to the significant support provided to families of martyrs from the Martyrs’ Families’ Affairs Office, with the personal monitoring of His Highness Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Deputy Supreme Commander of the UAE Armed Forces, as well as many social initiatives.

UAE citizens, As we celebrate Commemoration Day, we also celebrate our valiant Armed Forces, while acknowledging they welcome martyrdom, both officers and soldiers, and they are willing to sacrifice their lives for the sake of the country.

I salute the officers and soldiers of our Armed Forces and security authorities, as well as our military service recruits, and I reiterate my appreciation for their commitment, efficiency and willingness to train and develop their skills, making them among the best armies in the world.

Equally, I salute the builders of our Armed Forces, our father and teacher and the symbol of our country, the late Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, and the Supreme Commander, my brother President His Highness Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed, and my brother, His Highness Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed, who oversaw the development of our Armed Forces.

My fellow citizens, I am confident that you know the message of the martyrs by heart. It is the message of Emirati values and principles of loyalty, mercy, selflessness, siding with the right and rejecting the wrong. I am also confident that you will uphold that message in the way you carry yourselves. You have always been the driving force behind the success of the Emirati model of progress and success in all fields of comprehensive development.

On this day, we remember our martyrs and thank them for contributing to their country's strength, glory and pride. They are honoured by Allah the Almighty and they are honoured by our people and our leadership. We pray to Allah the Almighty to bless their souls and to bless their relatives, to continue bestowing his mercy on us and to keep our country safe from evils.

Peace be upon you."

November 29, 2021 / 9:43 AM

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