

ERC’s Eid sacrificial meat project reaches over 1.4 mn people

August 01, 2021 / 5:39 PM
Sharjah 24 – WAM: Over 1.4 million people living in the UAE and abroad have benefitted this year from the Eid Al Adha Sacrificial Meat (Adahi) project launched by the Emirates Red Crescent (ERC).
The ERC has broadened the project’s scope in dozens of countries to limit the effects of food shortages.

Locally, the ERC has been keen to enlarge the scope of its sacrificial meat project to include many underprivileged families, workers and segments of the community who are most affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. It has also reached out to tens of thousands of people in refugee camps in many countries.

Dr. Mohammed Ateeq Al Falahi, Secretary-General of the ERC, explained that the ERC's has expanded the scope of the project to reduce the economic burdens caused by the pandemic and food shortages in numerous countries, highlighting the ERC’s community initiatives that aim to provide for the needs of local communities.

The ERC’s annual Adahi project is part of its seasonal programme that seeks to assist needy and vulnerable families and make them happy during Eid Al Adha, as well as to promote the religious significance of sacrificial meat and encourage social responsibility among individuals and organisations.

"This year, the sacrificial meat campaign took place amidst exceptional health, economic and social conditions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and its global fallout. However, the ERC was keen to launch a different campaign this year. Therefore, we attracted more supporters and donors and broadened the scope of beneficiaries, both inside and outside the country," Al Falahi said.

"The ERC drafted a comprehensive plan to achieve its local objectives, in line with the precautionary measures adopted by the UAE to curb the spread of coronavirus. Therefore, meat was delivered to beneficiaries through methods that prevent overcrowding, while fully adhering to adopted sanitisation standards throughout the entire meat distribution process," he added.
August 01, 2021 / 5:39 PM

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