The council discussed several topics on its agenda in line with the development and vision of the Emirate of Sharjah to serve its citizens and residents.

The council reviewed the strategic plan in following up the membership of the Emirate of Sharjah in WHO Global Network for Age-friendly Cities including its objectives to provide an environment for the elderly through developing all capabilities to perform all activities and services that ensure the integration of the elderly in society.
The council approved the strategic plan 2021-2023, including 44 activities with the participation of 29 entities. The council set a number of objectives, including the development of the initiatives and services provided for elderly, enhancing the responsibility of the private sector towards the elderly, spreading the culture of Age-Friendly City’s standards in Sharjah, raising community awareness of Age-Friendly City, enabling the elderly to share their experiences and launching initiatives that contribute to integrating the elderly in the society.
The report included the outcomes achieved through the strategic plan during 2017-2020, through which more than 40 initiatives and activities were implemented in line with the aspects of Age-Friendly City.

The council’s members extended their warm gratitude to all employees for following the membership of the Emirate of Sharjah in the WHO Global Network for Age-friendly Cities and all participated parties for their unlimited efforts in achieving the desired objectives to serve the elderly and enhance their role in the development of the society.
The council also reviewed the report of Sharjah Economic Development Department (SEDD) on indicators of performing business and the department’s endeavor to enhance the economic work, including many indicators for the growth movement of economic activities and a set of recommendations that would facilitate practicing business and stimulate the economic environment. The council approved the submitted recommendations and directed to coordinate with the competent authorities.
The council approved a memorandum submitted by Municipalities Affairs, Agriculture and Livestock Department (MAALD) including a contract that contributes to regulating the use of farms in Sharjah in breeding and developing livestock and the provision of appropriate services.