The revisions update military ranks within Sharjah’s police, security forces, and regulatory bodies by removing two non-commissioned officer ranks. This change facilitates career progression, allowing personnel to advance more easily to officer ranks. The amendment acknowledges their service and enhances career motivation within the emirate’s military framework.
Under the amendments, military ranks for police, security forces, and regulatory body personnel in Sharjah are now structured as follows:
1. Second Lieutenant
2. First Lieutenant
3. Captain
4. Major
5. Lieutenant Colonel
6. Colonel
7. Brigadier
8. Major General
9. Lieutenant General
10. General
Non-commissioned Officers:
1. Sergeant
2. First Sergeant
3. Warrant Officer
4. Senior Warrant Officer
5. Officer Assistant
Enlisted Personnel:
1. Recruit
2. Police Officer
3. Senior Police Officer
4. Corporal
5. Senior Corporal