

Partly cloudy, dusty weather with rain likely tomorrow: NCM

March 23, 2025 / 9:21 PM
Partly cloudy, dusty weather with rain likely tomorrow: NCM
Sharjah24 – WAM: The National Centre of Meteorology (NCM) has forecast that tomorrow’s weather will be partly cloudy to cloudy and occasionally dusty during the day, with a chance of light rainfall, especially over western areas and islands.

Temperatures are expected to drop significantly, while winds will range from light to moderate, becoming active to strong at times — particularly over the sea — and may stir up dust and sand over land during the daytime.

In its daily weather report, the NCM stated that winds will be north-westerly, with speeds ranging from 15 to 25 km/h, reaching up to 45 km/h at times.

The Arabian Gulf will experience rough to very rough waves, while the Oman Sea will have slight to moderate waves, becoming gradually rough at night.

March 23, 2025 / 9:21 PM

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