

AI-powered robot revolutionises cattle herding

December 13, 2024 / 6:07 PM
Sharjah 24 – Reuters: Swagbot, an AI-driven robot, is poised to transform cattle farming, offering a smarter, greener, and more efficient approach. Developed by researchers at the University of Sydney, Swagbot aims to reshape the livestock industry using cutting-edge technology.
"When cattle become accustomed to the robot, they will naturally follow it," explains the team behind its creation. Launched in 2016 as a basic herding robot designed for rough terrain, Swagbot has evolved with advanced sensors, AI, and machine learning. Now, it can assess pasture health, track cattle conditions, and ensure efficient grazing patterns.

Swagbot autonomously directs cattle to the best grazing areas, preventing overgrazing and soil degradation. "The goal is to guide animals to areas with the right nutrients without overgrazing, ensuring the land remains healthy," says Professor Salah Sukkarieh, a robotics expert at the University of Sydney.

Traditionally, farmers struggle with managing grazing areas in large, enclosed spaces, often leading to overgrazing and soil erosion. Swagbot addresses this by providing real-time data, helping farmers make informed decisions about pasture management.

Erin O'Neill, a part-time farmer who attended a recent Swagbot demonstration, highlights the robot's potential: "It allows us to identify the most nutritious parts of our pasture, which is crucial, especially for pregnant cattle needing higher-quality food."

As one of the world’s top beef exporters with around 30 million cattle, Australia faces challenges like labor shortages, degraded pastures, and environmental issues. Professor Sukkarieh believes that robotics and automation are key to overcoming these challenges, making farming both more efficient and environmentally sustainable.

December 13, 2024 / 6:07 PM

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