

Rubu’ Qarn participates at “Dawahi 11” with 60 activities

December 07, 2022 / 7:02 PM
Sharjah24: The “Rubu’ Qarn Foundation for Creating Leaders and Innovators” is participating in “Dawahi 11” festival with approximately 60 activities and workshops, within its platform.
“Dawahi 11” is held by the Sharjah Districts and Villages Affairs Department, from 8 to 30 December 2022, Al Nouf Park 1 in Sharjah.

This participation comes as an affirmation of the pioneering role of Rubu’ Qarn Foundation in enhancing the talents of children and youth, and in preparing and qualifying national cadres capable of participating in shaping the future.

The diverse activities of the Rubu’ Qarn platform include a range of creative activities in arts, education, and science given by a group of academic specialists and members of the foundation’s affiliated institutions.
December 07, 2022 / 7:02 PM

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