

Rising cost of Egypt's Koshari causes concern

August 04, 2022 / 8:09 AM
Sharjah24 – Reuters: Egypt has for years been well known for its national dish 'Koshari' - a plate filled with pasta, rice, and lentils, and topped with a hefty amount of spicy tomato salsa and fried onions.
Millions consume the dish every day from one of the thousands of shops and food carts selling it across the capital.

But a recent rise in prices due to the impact of the war in Ukraine has given cause for concern amongst many who both sell and buy the meal, fearing it may one day be too costly to prepare and consume.

After emerging from the worst of the coronavirus slowdown, Egypt's economy was dealt a new shock by the knock-on effects of Russia's invasion of Ukraine, as investors pulled billions of dollars out of its treasury market.

Egypt is one of the world's top wheat importers and has suffered from rising oil and grains prices. It imported most of its wheat from Russia and Ukraine, two countries that also supplied a large number of tourists.

Annual headline inflation has risen to above 13%, and the government is seeking new support from the International Monetary Fund.
August 04, 2022 / 8:09 AM

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