

Heart issues after Covid jabs rare but research lacks clarity

July 22, 2022 / 6:06 PM
Sharjah24 – AFP: Research shows that the risk of developing heart conditions after a messenger RNA Covid vaccine is very low, and should not call into question the value of life-saving vaccination campaigns rolled out across the world.
But the risk is "non-negligible", and the available evidence is difficult to assess precisely, researchers have said, calling for better data on the subject.

"That we are now more than a year and a half into mass mRNA vaccination and still do not have strong certainty about the incidence of this clinically important outcome is disappointing," US researchers Jing Luo and Walid Gellad wrote in a commentary in the BMJ journal in mid-July.

Their opinion piece was based on a large study in the same issue which reviewed the available research about the frequency of myocarditis and pericarditis, two inflammations in the heart, following vaccination with Pfizer and Moderna's mRNA shots.

It has been a delicate subject for the scientific community. The risks were quickly identified after the launch of mass vaccinations campaigns last year, but were then greatly exaggerated by vaccine sceptics seeking to oppose all jabs.

The heart conditions have been very rare after vaccination and most of the time have not caused serious complications. The fact that Covid itself presents cardiovascular risks is also part of the equation.
July 22, 2022 / 6:06 PM

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