

Chinese cities break heat records, weather extremes to persist

July 13, 2022 / 8:14 AM
Sharjah24 - Reuters: Several Chinese cities broke new records for high temperatures on Tuesday as scorching heat and contrasting relentless rains wreaked havoc, with local forecasters expecting the weather extremes to linger for days.
Red alerts, the highest in a three-tier warning system, were dispersed throughout the country on Tuesday and cities took measures to protect citizens from the scorching heat, which broke records for the month of July in parts of eastern Jiangsu province and the neighbouring city of Shanghai.

Temperatures in the city of Yixing in Jiangsu rose as high as 41.3 degrees Celsius (106.3 Fahrenheit) on Tuesday, a new historic peak, the China Meteorological Administration said on Wednesday.

The hashtag #Heatstroke was trending on social media with 2.45 million views on the Weibo social platform of discussions ranging from people being admitted to hospital and the detrimental effects of long-term heat exposure.

"This year's weather is really hot and abnormal, it has been more than 30 degrees Celsius for two months!", wrote a Weibo user.

Experts blame global climate change for the unusual weather.
July 13, 2022 / 8:14 AM

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