

Death toll rises with no end in sight for Ecuador protests

June 23, 2022 / 7:49 PM
Sharjah24 - AFP: The death toll from 11 days of Indigenous demonstrations in Ecuador over fuel prices has risen to three, a rights group said Thursday, after another protester died in clashes with police.

Dozens of people have also been injured in the countrywide demonstrations that Indigenous groups have vowed to continue until their demands are met.

In the southern town of Tarqui, a 38-year-old protester died Wednesday, the Alliance of Human Rights Organizations reported on Twitter, accusing the security forces of using violent tactics.

"A tear gas cannister was found next to" the body of Marcelino Villa, the organization said.

The police, for its part, said Villa had died of a medical condition that occurred "in the context of the demonstrations."

According to the medical report, it added, bruises to the man's stomach and right knee were "several days old."

Two other people died on Monday and Tuesday, according to the Alliance, which also reported 92 wounded and 94 civilians arrested since the protests -- concentrated in the capital Quito -- started on June 13.

Officials say 117 in the ranks of police and soldiers have been injured.
June 23, 2022 / 7:49 PM

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