

N.Korea fires volley of missiles

June 05, 2022 / 9:04 AM
Sharjah24 - Reuters: North Korea fired eight short-range ballistic missiles towards the sea off its east coast on Sunday, likely its largest single test, a day after South Korea and the United States ended joint military drills.
The bilateral exercises involved an American aircraft carrier for the first time in more than four years.

South Korea's Joint Chiefs of Staff said that at least eight missiles were fired from the Sunan area of the North Korean capital Pyongyang and they flow between 110 km-600 km (70-370 miles) at altitudes between 25 km to 90 km.

In response, South Korea President Yoon Suk-yeol convened a National Security Council meeting and ordered "expanded deterrence of South Korea and the United States and continued reinforcement of united defence posture".

South Korea's Ministry of Foreign Affairs said Kim Gunn, its Special Representative for Korean Peninsula Peace and Security Affairs, discussed the provocation with U.S. Special Representative Sung Kim, the U.S. point man on North Korean affairs. Kim Gunn also held a telephone conference with his Japanese counterpart Funakoshi Takehiro.
June 05, 2022 / 9:04 AM

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