

Iraq parliament fails to elect new state president

March 27, 2022 / 12:02 AM
Sharjah24 – Reuters: Iraq's parliament failed again on Saturday to vote for a president after Iran-backed groups boycotted the session, in a setback to an alliance led by cleric Moqtada al-Sadr which won the election and threatened to remove them from politics.
Sadr had hoped parliament would elect Rebar Ahmed, a veteran Kurdish intelligence official and current interior minister of Iraq's autonomous Kurdistan region.

But only 202 members of parliament out of 329 were present, which is less than the necessary two-thirds quorum needed to choose a new president for the mostly ceremonial post, while 126 lawmakers boycotted the session.

"It is a storm in a cup. Today is a good proof that the party that had claimed that it has the majority had failed to achieve it. It is a bad situation getting worse" said Farhad Alaaldin, chairman of the Iraq Advisory Council, a policy research institute.

A win for Sadr's allies would threaten to exclude Tehran's allies from power for the first time in years.

The delay prolongs a bitter deadlock in Iraqi politics months after an October general election from which Sadr emerged the biggest winner, with his Shi'ite, pro-Iran rivals receiving a hammering at the polls.

The vote on the president was postponed to Wednesday. The current caretaker government will continue to run the country until a new government is formed.
March 27, 2022 / 12:02 AM

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