

Russia and US clash at UN over Ukraine crisis

January 31, 2022 / 11:47 PM
Sharjah24 – AFP: Russia and the US clashed Monday in the UN Security Council over Moscow's army build-up near the Ukrainian border, as Western nations stepped up their diplomatic efforts to prevent a European war.
In one of the most carefully watched UN meetings in years, the US committed to counter any "disinformation" put out by Moscow.

Despite Kremlin denials, the US sought the meeting.

As the talks began, US Vice President Joe Biden warned Russia that unless it showed openness to a diplomatic settlement, it would face strong reprisals.

Our allies and partners will continue to engage in good faith if Russia is honest about addressing our various security concerns, said Biden.

"Russia will bear the burden and will suffer swift and harsh repercussions if it chooses to abandon diplomacy and attack Ukraine."

Russian envoy to the UN Vasily Nebenzya accused the United States Monday of trying to "whip up panic" by pushing the debate.

Moscow's force build-up justified the conference, according to US UN representative Linda Thomas-Greenfield, and Russia's blocking move was rejected by 10 out of 15 members.

"This is the biggest... army deployment in decades," the envoy stated. "And Russia is sending additional soldiers and weapons to join them."

She told the Council that Russia's military build-up has been accompanied by "aggressive rhetoric" as part of an escalation often seen from Russia when it seized Crimea in 2014.

She also accused Russia of threatening Ukraine by deploying 30,000 troops to Belarus in the next weeks.
January 31, 2022 / 11:47 PM

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