

Huge Tonga volcanic eruption caused 'signifcant damage'

January 16, 2022 / 8:50 AM
Clouds rising from the Hunga Ha'apai eruption seen from the Patangata coastline near Tongan capital Nuku'alofa

Sharjah24 – AFP: A massive volcanic eruption in Tonga that triggered tsunami waves around the Pacific caused "significant damage" to the island nation's capital and smothered it in dust, New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern said Sunday.
The eruption Saturday was so powerful it was recorded around the world, triggering a tsunami that flooded Pacific coastlines from Japan to the United States.

The capital Nuku'alofa suffered "significant" damage, Ardern said, adding there had been no reports of injury of death but a full assessment was not yet possible with communication lines down.

"The tsunami has had a significant impact on the foreshore on the northern side of Nuku'alofa with boats and large boulders washed ashore," Ardern said after contact with the New Zealand embassy in Tonga.

"Nuku'alofa is covered in a thick film of volcanic dust but otherwise conditions are calm and stable."

However, there has been no word on damage in the outer islands and New Zealand will send an air force reconnaissance aircraft "as soon as atmospheric conditions allow," the NZ Defence Force tweeted.

"We're working hard to see how we can assist our Pacific neighbours after the volcanic eruption near Tonga."

The United States was "deeply concerned for the people of Tonga," Secretary of State Antony Blinken said, pledging support for the island nation.

A 1.2 metre wave swept ashore in the Tongan capital with locals reporting they had fled to higher ground, leaving behind flooded houses, some with structural damage, and with small stones and ash falling from the sky.

"It was massive, the ground shook, our house was shaking. It came in waves. My younger brother thought bombs were exploding nearby," resident Mere Taufa told the Stuff news website Saturday.

She said water filled their home minutes later and she saw the wall of a neighbouring house collapse.
January 16, 2022 / 8:50 AM

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