

New "Spider-Man" launches in Hollywood with some old faces

December 14, 2021 / 11:01 AM
Sharjah24 – Reuters: "Spider-Man: No Way Home", which stars Tom Holland as the web-slinging superhero, has had fans go wild with theories and speculation ahead of its release on December 17.
There have been supposed leaked photos from the set as well as hints by actors as to what fans can expect.

The film is set directly after the events of 2019's "Spider-Man: Far from Home", when Peter Parker is revealed to the world to be the superhero Spider-Man.

Desperate to protect his family and friends, Parker goes to his old ally Dr. Strange (Benedict Cumberbatch) and asks him to cast a spell to make everyone forget.

However, Parker keeps interjecting as Strange is casting the spell and it goes awry, opening up the many universes of superheroics that exist outside the franchise's.

Stars from the previous franchises of 'Spider-Man' at the premiere included Willem Dafoe, who played the Green Goblin, Jamie Foxx, who played Electro and J.K. Simmons who played the cranky editor of the Daily Bugle, J. Jonah Jameson. The carpet also included Jared Leto, who plays Morbius in the Spider-Man universe.
December 14, 2021 / 11:01 AM

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