

Ambassador of Moldova to UAE: Expo 2020 right time to rebuild

October 02, 2021 / 8:15 PM
Sharjah 24 – WAM: The Ambassador of Moldova to the UAE has hailed Expo 2020 Dubai as a catalyst for change, and a window of and to a better world.
"Expo 2020 Dubai comes in the right place at the right time to rebuild safer and stronger," Victor Haruta, who is also the Commissioner-General of the Moldovan Pavilion at the world's Greatest Show, told the Emirates News Agency (WAM).

"From the 1st of October 2021 to the 31st of March 2022, the world will have a new capital city at Expo 2020 Dubai. It's the right time to celebrate, collaborate and innovate - and Moldova is here to showcase the history of the nation, rich heritage, and creativity of its people," he said.

The Moldovan Ambassador hailed the role of the UAE in the economic, social, and technological development spheres, as well as being an important economic hub, including the effort to build lasting partnerships in investment, trade, and technology advancement. "We are extremely optimistic about the outcome from a strong international presence at Expo 2020 Dubai," he said.

Speaking about his views on holding the event during the COVID-19 pandemic, Haruta praised the UAE’s efforts in ensuring the implementation of safety protocols at Expo 2020 Dubai site and in the country in general, saying that these protocols "are highly efficient and are performing extraordinary results. With such professional approach, the UAE is seen as a safe destination for visitors."

Talking about the main pillars of Moldovan participation in Expo 2020 Dubai, the ambassador summed it up into three key themes: Discover Moldova, Taste Moldova, and Invest in Moldova, which is characterised by its mild fiscal climate, stable economic growth, low costs, and excellent location at the heart of Europe.

October 02, 2021 / 8:15 PM

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