

The 21st SINF a celebration of storytelling from around the world

September 24, 2021 / 4:55 PM
Sharjah 24: The 21st edition of the Sharjah International Narrator Forum (SINF), which is organised annually by the Sharjah Institute for Heritage (SIH), is currently taking place at the Expo Centre Sharjah until 24 September, under the slogan “Animal Stories”. More than 38 countries from around the world are participating in the prestigious event, which will run until 30 September in other different places.
One goal of the event is to illuminate the stories and heritage of narrators, especially those of the Emirates and the Arab Gulf, and to bestow upon them the recognition and consideration they deserve. 

Cultural sessions 

SINF is filled to the brim with cultural sessions, a highlight of which has been a session titled "Animal Stories in the Emirati Heritage", which saw the participation of His Excellency Dr Abdulaziz Al Musallam, Chairman of the Sharjah Institute for Heritage and Chairman of the Higher Organising Committee of the Forum, Dr Salem Al Tunaiji, a researcher in heritage, Professor Abdullah Abdul Rahman, and Sheikha Al-Mutairi, head of national heritage department in Juma'a Al Majed for culture and heritage. The session was moderated by Professor Ali Al-Abdan.

Animal stories from all humankind

His Excellency Dr Abdulaziz Al Musallam, Chairman of the Sharjah Institute for Heritage and Chairman of the Higher Organising Committee of the Forum said that under the slogan ‘Animal Stories’, this year’s Sharjah International Narrator Forum is navigating animal stories in Arab and global culture. From the tales of Aesop to Kalila and Dimna, and including the creations of Al-Jahiz, Al-Damiri and others, it is a celebration of all humanity has created.

Al Musallam spoke about his study of animals in folk literature and stated that, through 30 years of field work, he discovered that Emirati folk stories contain much symbolism, whether for glorification or out of contempt, and that every mention of an animal is related to a specific trait, such as sarcasm or pride.  

Workshops of wonder for children

Kenya’s Grace Wangari presented a tale, in which she imitated the sounds of various animals, while Riya from Japan presented a children’s workshop where the children were taught how to draw. 

Riya introduced the children and audience to the basics of manga art, and those attending the hands-on workshop were taught how to draw using manga principles. During the session, attendees were treated to live drawing of Japanese manga art, which served as instruction and inspiration. The fun and joyful atmosphere of the workshop ensured enthusiastic participation, with the children using the opportunity to learn about storytelling through the drawing of their favorite animals. 

An Arabic calligraphy workshop was also organised by the International School of Storytelling. Presented by calligrapher Najib El Kharroubi from Tunisia, attendees were taught how to write Arabic calligraphy on animal skins, resulting in superb and beautiful pieces of art.

An event honoring storytelling tradition

Fabio Lisboa Martins, storyteller from Brazil said that participating in the Sharjah International Narrator Forum (SINF) has been wonderful. 
Legendary Brazilian storyteller Antonio is also at the event, it has been an honour to share the experience with his compatriot. 
Martins said that stories connect people. Sometimes a story takes place in the middle of the desert and sometimes in the middle of the jungle, but generally the essence of the story is the same.

Martins added that the Brothers Grimm, the famous German collectors of stories, described stories as a diamond which fell from the sky divided into many thousands of pieces. These pieces are used in rings, necklaces, and bracelets. But each one remains a little treasure, and these little treasures are all part of the bigger treasure, which belongs to the oral tradition of storytelling. He concluded that through the SINF, the Sharjah Institute for Heritage is honouring this timeless tradition. People come and go but the tradition of storytelling will continue.
September 24, 2021 / 4:55 PM

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