

Jordan announces nine coronavirus deaths, 721 new infections

August 20, 2021 / 8:00 PM
A member of the Jordanian health ministry's epidemiological investigation team, takes a random nasal swab to test for COVID-19, from a man leaving ...
Sharjah 24 – KUNA: Jordan declared on Friday that nine people sickened with the novel coronavirus passed away and 721 others were listed among the contaminated in the kingdom past hours.
The death toll climbed to 10,273 and infection cases to 788,000 since outbreak of the pandemic in the country, said the local health department in a statement.

As to freshly recorded recovery cases, 396 such cases were listed bringing tally of the healed to approximately 765,500 while 649 cases were reported undergoing treatment at hospitals.
August 20, 2021 / 8:00 PM

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