

Italy shortens COVID curfew, eases other restrictions

May 18, 2021 / 7:17 AM
Italy's Prime Minister Mario Draghi
Sharjah24 – Reuters: Italy's government on Monday approved a decree pushing back with immediate effect a nightly coronavirus curfew to 11 p.m. from 10 p.m. and easing other curbs in the regions where infections are low.
Prime Minister Mario Draghi's government agreed the curfew would begin at midnight from June 7 and be abolished altogether from June 21 in those areas, a statement said, in line with a plan to gradually relax restrictions across the country.

Italy, which has the second-highest COVID-19 death toll in Europe after Britain, has seen its daily deaths and cases decline in recent weeks, and more people are being vaccinated.

"The figures of the last few months have imposed difficult, sometimes painful choices, but today they give us reason for relief," said Health Minister Roberto Speranza.

As of Monday, some 8.8 million Italians, or 14.8% of the population, have been fully vaccinated, while slightly over 30% have received at least one shot.

Italy has registered over 124,000 deaths linked to COVID-19 since its outbreak emerged in February last year. But the daily toll has fallen steadily in recent weeks, with less than 100 fatalities reported on Sunday for the first time since October.

Monday saw an increase to 140 deaths.

The Cabinet has also allowed restaurants to serve customers at inside tables for dinner as of June 1, and is bringing forward the reopening of gyms to May 24 from June 1 in yellow and white regions.

Mountain lifts will be allowed to reopen as of Saturday.

As part of an effort to boost summer tourism, Italy has scrapped mandatory quarantine for visitors from the European Union, Britain and Israel who test negative for COVID-19.
May 18, 2021 / 7:17 AM

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